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Hair type: Blond

Ethinicity: Western European

Cock Type: Uncut

Set Type: Pictures



Pictures: 183 | Added: 10-27-2008

HMBoy Leo celebrated his 18th birthday just a couple of months ago - on 14 August, to be precise.

So, if you take an interest in astrology that's a bit more serious than jokes along the lines of "Mars is entering Uranus", you'll know that that means our boy's star sign is - guess what - Leo!

He tells us that it's pure coincidence - but it inspired us to take a look at the characteristics that anyone born between 23 July and 22 August is supposed to have.  And the results, as you can see if you check out the Wikipedia entry for Leo (astrology) were certainly striking.

Given that he came up with his own scenario for this photoshoot and, our photographer tells us, virtually directed it himself, we can definitely agree that our Leo is creative, independent, a leader, theatrical, loves attention and is fun-loving

And the fact that he decided to go ahead with the shoot despite hoping to go into politics one day means that we certainly think he's risk-taking. 

Of course, it goes without saying that any applicant to become an HMBoy needs to be broad-minded.

And the eagerness with which he snatched the cash out of our photographer's hand at the end of their session together is probably a good indication that he also lives up to the alleged zodiacal characteristeristic of all Leos of being materialistic.

We pointed all these things out to HMBoy Leo once we'd finished our research - but he wasn't convinced.

"Look...", he said, "All those things might be true, but there's plenty there that isn't.

"Even my worst enemies wouldn't say that I'm bossypatronising or egotistical - let alone pompous, pushy, arrogant or intolerant."

But Leo had saved his best argument until last.

"And look there!  See how it says that the parts of the body most closely associated with a Leo are the heart, the back and the spine.

"Well, just take a look at my HMBoys pictures and you can see that that one is way off the mark!" 


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