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Hair type: Shaved

Ethinicity: Western European

Cock Type: Uncut

Set Type: Pictures



Pictures: 142 | Added: 12-07-2009

Here's an odd one...

We know nothing at all about Jugen because, other than sending us his pics, he's decided that he doesn't want to tell us anything about himself.

So what can we work out about him from the photographs?  Unfortunately, not very much...

"He looks in need of a good meal", said one of our staffers.

"And a good hairdresser", laughed another, adding "Not to mention someone else to remove those tattoos."

So Jurgen remains to us, as well as you, something of a mystery.

But perhaps the setting for his pictures will give us a few clues?

Not exactly.

There's a small but quite nice looking - and recently built? - house or office block in the background.

It's set among some not very well tended grounds, though, where the grass definitely needs some nourishment and a good trim...

And what's with the crappy fence?  Cheap, nasty wire that a ten year old could climb over and then a barred gate that you can just walk around...!

Of course, if we were a website that just made all these stories up, Jugen's would be a real gift...

Stroppy teen boy goes off the rails (the tattoos)... He gets sentenced to youth custody (the fence, the barred gate) and sent to a remote, forgotten part of rural Russia (the thin, poor quality grass)... And there, simply in order to survive, he has to submit to the sexual desires of a perverted warden (the better quality house/office) - and to have his pictures taken too.

Of course, making up such stories is exactly what we don't do here on

Instead, we'll just admit straight out that we don't know a single damned thing about young Jurgen.

But it sure was fun trying to work something out!   

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